
We all can’t be eye care experts. That’s why we have ophthalmologists and optometrists. But because we’re not eye care experts, we may not fully understand the consequences to our vision-related decisions.

For instance, if you read this blog at all, you know we encourage getting an eye exam annually.  This isn’t a business tactic – it’s a health priority.

Vision health, in my opinion, is something most of us really neglect. It’s gets shuffled on to the back burner for a lot of us. That should not be the case.

Getting the Right Kind of Eyeglasses For You

Your eye health is so closely correlated to so many things. Good eye care can be beneficial in many ways, from being indicators to underlying health issues you may not know you have, to something as cosmetic as preventing wrinkles.

For instance, if you’re primarily a contact lens wearer, you may neglect your eyeglasses. You may not prioritize getting new lenses because you may think, “Hey, I never wear those things except at night or on lazy weekends.” (For the record, eyeglasses are a fashion accessory. They should not be locked up in your house. And if you feel like they should be, you’re wearing the wrong ones. Let Cpanthere cartier help you find you the right ones that you’ll never want to leave behind.)

But did you know that wearing old lenses that may not be the correct prescription anymore actually causes eye strain?

That eye strain then causes eye fatigue, because your eye muscles are constantly working to sharpen the image in front of it. In addition, while your eye muscles fight to focus what they’re looking at, they naturally squint. This entire process, which can easily be eliminated by an annual eye exam and current prescription lenses, can cause not only headaches and lack of concentration but also wrinkles De cartier eyes glasses.

Think of all that age defying moisturizer you spend so much money on just to fight said wrinkles, ladies. But why fight them when you can take a step towards preventing them?

    eye glasses

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